
  • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology

    The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology (APJCB) is an open access electronic journal, which covers all aspects related to cancer biology.  The journal was launched in 2016 as the official publication of Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP) by its west Asia Chapter (West Asia Organization for Cancer prevention -WAOCP) .  All manuscripts published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology, are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the published work, provided the original work and source are appropriately cited.

  • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Nursing

     The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Nursing (APJCN) is an open-access electronic journal, which covers the practice of oncology nursing. It also publishes news, news analysis, and opinion columns on topics relevant to oncology nurses. The journal was launched in 2019 as the official publication of the West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention (WAOCP) and its first volume with 5 articles was published in 2019. All manuscripts published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Nursing, are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the published work, provided the original work and source are appropriately cited.

  • Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer

    The Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer (APJEC) is an open access electronic journal, publishing papers of Occupational and environmental cancers, air pollution, environmental and occupational carcinogens, prevention, and control of carcinogenic agents, exposure management of carcinogens, etc. The journal was launched in 2018 as the official publication of the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention.  

  • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care

    The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care (APJCC) is an open access electronic journal, publishing papers in the clinical field of cancer with emphasis on the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and other aspect related to cancer patients. The journal was launched in 2016 as the official publication of the Asian pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP) by its West Asia Chapter (West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention-WAOCP).  The WAOCP with its distinguished, diverse, and Asia-wide team of editors, reviewers, and readers, ensure the highest standards of research communication within the cancer sciences community across Asia as well as globally. The APJCC accepts a manuscript on the clinical spectrum of cancer.